Pigmented Lesions

What types of brown spots or pigmented lesions will the laser remove?
The laser is most commonly used for removing brown age spots, "liver spots", freckles and many brown birthmarks. At your consultation we will identify your specific type of lesion and discuss the removal success rate associated with it.
Why doesn’t the laser remove my normal skin pigmentation also?
The laser light was designed for its properties that selectively target dark concentrations of melanin. If after the abnormal concentrations of melanin was removed, and treatment continued on normal skin, some whitening could occur. However, your body’s natural regenerative system would replace the normal melanin after a period of time, returning the skin to its natural state.
Is the process painful?
The laser emits light in very short flashes called pulses. The impact of the energy from the powerful pulse of light is similar to the snap of a thin rubber band. After the treatment, the area will feel similar to a slight sunburn. Typically, within a day or so, any discomfort disappears. The area may remain reddened for one to three weeks. After the redness clears, the skin is returned its natural smooth coloring and texture.
How many treatment sessions will it take to remove the pigmented lesion?
A series of sessions may be needed as the pigmentation will light with each treatment. Each individual has different results depending on skin type and the level of pigment and/or damage.
Can the excess pigmentation come back?
Common pigmented lesions do not return. Some birthmarks may return after a period of several months to a year. However, the procedure can be repeated with similar results.
What type of post-treatment care is necessary?
A shower can be taken the next day, but avoid scrubbing the treated area. Since most common pigmented lesions are caused by exposure to ultraviolet sun rays, it is imperative that you avoid prolonged sun exposure during the healing process.